Vladimir Sobota

This is supposed to become Vladimir's personal website, but it is still under construction.


Hello! I am a PostDoc at ‘Economics of Technology and Innovation’ (TU Delft). I am interested in managerial and strategic aspects of technological innovations, specifically platform ecosystems. I seek to understand platform-complementor dynamics with respect to the platform’s positioning. My research has been published in Technovation and Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, and Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

I teach the course Strategic Mangement Game as part of the minor Companies and Value-Sensitive Innovation.

I hold a PhD from Delft Univerisity of Technology, a M.Sc. in Management of Technology, and a B.Eng. in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering.


Jul 01, 2023 I am happy to announce that I am starting my PostDoc at TU Delft!

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